Adventures on Your Doorstep
We are lucky enough in North Devon to look onto the very special Lundy Island. Sometimes it's easy to overlook what's on your doorstep but this weekend we took a trip out to have a swim with the seals and appreciate this wonderful place. It wasn't all smooth sailing (literally! *Green face*) but I think it was worth it.......what do you think? 
We spent the most magical three weeks in Japan....a trip we had to reschedule from 2020 but it was worth the wait. The images below are a very small selection from the nearly 4000 (!) I took. It was just all so beautiful and we packed a lot in to our time there. 
Our highlights included - Mount Fuji, Kyoto, the snow monkeys, ALL the food, the most amazing and helpful people I have ever met and, my children would add, the combinis. 
A really special holiday and I can't wait to print and frame some of these for my home. 
Remember - print those photos and keep those memories alive! 
P.S One or two of these may pop up on my Landscapes sales page (go to the Orders link above) so if you fancy a print from the Orient in your home please have a look :)
Holiday Let Photography
Did you know as well as school and family photography I also photograph holiday properties? I absolutely love this work and have had lots of beautiful holiday homes to photograph recently as everyone is getting ready for the new season. I think Devon is the best (obviously!) and with the plethora of homes available for holidays at the moment I honestly think it is a great option. And if while you were here you'd like to get some new family shots of your best ever holiday give me a call! I'd love to meet you and get you the best holiday momento, even better than a stick of rock! 
Half Term Break
We have had the most lovely break in South Wales this half term. The weather was amazing and the scenery stunning. The break did us all the world of good and now I am raring to go with lots of work on over the next couple of months :) 
New Year
Back to work and loving it! Having not always worked in photography I count myself very lucky to love my work so much as it hasn't always been the case! 
I'm currently booking school photo days for the next year. Please contact me to book individual and class / 'In the Box' photos. I can't wait to see you! 
Merry Christmas! 
These little elves have had a busy night and are so exhausted they will be having a well deserved lie in Christmas morning.......haha! 
In quite the opposite of this photo I have been the busy little elf. Rushing around as I've had lots of last minute orders (always grateful though!), last minute shopping, wrapping, prepping etc. And these two have been enjoying the lack of school, all the snacks (that were meant  to be saved! ) and my lack of attention for a few days! 
Anyway,  too late now for anymore organising so time to put my feet up and enjoy and I hope you all do too. 
Thank you to all my customers this year. Can't wait to see what next year brings!
P.S. I loved producing this photo composite. They are such good fun. If you have any whimsical photo ideas you'd like me to bring to life let me know and hopefully next year you can have your own fabulous image to share :) 
Calendar Girls! 
I am so thrilled to share that I have been working with the wonderful Hele Bay Merbabes on this Charity Calendar. All the money raised will go to two charities - Mind Devon and the British Divers Marine Life Rescue. 
The Merbabes are so inspiring and all beautiful, inside and out. Even though I wasn't the one in front of the camera in my birthday suit I was also slightly out of my comfort zone.....believe it or not I don't often photograph naked people on the beach! I was so conscious of wanting to make sure everyone was comfortable having their photo taken and that they were equally happy with the end results. 
Body confidence is such an issue for so many people. I hope this calendar and these 12 fab woman show as many people as possible just what you can do when you let go of the hang ups and just enjoy living. 
Please see the Merbabes Facebook and Instagram pages for ways to purchase - help these great charities and tick off a Christmas gift ✔

 New Born Loveliness 
This gorgeous little one was just a few weeks old when I took these photos. What a total joy and privilege. 
I wish I had more photos of my children when they were this small (and cute!) and I definitely didn't get in front of the camera anywhere near enough when they were babies. It took me a while to realise that my children might think I was never around when they were small when they look back through the photo albums. So I would always recommend to get the photo taken. Whether you want a professional or not it is always a good idea to treasure all the memories. Who wouldn't want to remember your babies when they were this small, cute....and quiet?!

Scandinavian Heaven
2774 miles, 3 countries and 2000 photos (!) later we are home from a magical trip around Scandinavia. It has been an amazing break. This was the first time we backpacked with the children, which I was a bit nervous about, but it actually worked out perfectly. The train journeys were so epic they weren't a chore at all. Even the kids were impressed (I mean a lot of snacks were also "needed" but you know....take your wins!).   
Highlights included - the Norwegian fjords - mountains, crystal clear waters and kayaking; the Swedish island of Oland - we stayed 20 yards from the beach and the sunsets were on fire; Copenhagen - the coolest city I have ever been to; and visiting the Photography Museum in Stockholm which was completely inspiring.​​​​​​​

Summer Solstice! 
This is my favourite time of year, without a doubt. The long days, flip flop weather and the swimming. 
I have fully jumped into the wild swimming trend.....I have dipped my feet in before (metaphorically and in reality) but I am now a full convert (although I might not be in January??). So I have been checking out all that North Devon has to offer and boy does it deliver.  These beauties are two of my favs.....not sure I'm allowed to share.....but here are some quick snaps....just don't tell anyone else ;) 
Hele at sunset
Hele at sunset
Sandy Cove
Sandy Cove

In the Box Photos
May = class photo time, well for me at least! And this year the 'In the Box' class photos having been popular again. I really do love these photos as each child gets to shine which doesn't always happen in the traditional class photo where there is usually someone hiding away. How sad to look back in a few years time and not be able to see yourself properly? No worries with the 'In the Box' photo as everyone has their space to shine and be seen! I also love that all the children will let their personality show as they get to choose how they pose and, depending on the schools, some children will have their photo taken with a favourite book, a class mascot or a treasured toy.
Obviously I can't share a real school class photo so I did my own "class" photo. I hope you can see how much fun they are. These also work brilliantly for families, friends and other groups too. Just let me know if you would like one of these and we can organise your own In the Box photograph :) 
Wishing you all a very Happy Easter from The Valley of the Rocks near Lynton! Isn't it pretty?
Another fantastic North Devon spot. We had a little evening dinner picnic here, and it did get a bit chilly as the sun dropped, but I couldn't resist a little sunset photography, which is such a treat after a full on couple of weeks. It was as peaceful as it looks, with just a few goats for company! 
I have had a busy time with holiday home photography recently, which I must say I love. Having a peak into some beautiful homes and not having to coax smiles out of shy children has been almost a holiday for me! 
If you have a North Devon holiday let and you want to freshen up your website photos please contact me for prices.
These boys are leaping into Spring! 
The lighter evenings, the sunshine......we are loving it! And we are making the most of our wonderful beaches and countryside before the crowds descend and we have to share our top spots. 
The left picture was taken at Morte Point, Morthoe. Probably my favourite walk of all time, along part of the South West Coast Path, and with some of the most spectacular views of the whole path I should imagine. Also, it's very good for seal spotting and some geocaching, if you're that way inclined. 
Picture two is of course the wonderful Woolacombe Beach. Miles of amazing golden sand and waves for days. We were towards the Putsborough end of the beach, in the dunes, my boys favourite place to play. An evening watching the sunset here is a must if you are visiting North Devon. 
And if you are planning a visit to North Devon and would like to remember your holiday with some family photos which aren't selfies please contact me via my Contact Page and you can have some of the best holiday souvenirs popping into your in box when you head home :) 
Capital Times
Half term we went to London and did all the Harry Potter sights you could possibly want. This was our children's 2019 Christmas present, delayed numerous times, but it was so worth the wait! There was also High Tea, museums, night time Thames walks, art gallery and lots of yummy food!
I've also been taking bookings for Spring family shoots (those blue bells will be here soon ;)) and the Summer class photos. Lots of fun stuff coming up along with some sunshine please?! 

The Epic Hangover 
 Family descended, there were all the reunions, long walks, cold swims, visits to old houses with lasers all over their gardens (?!), hot chocolates by the fire, New Years drinks....a great end to a busy year of working hard but also enjoying a return to life. 
Thank you to all my customers over the last year, I can't wait to see you in 2022! 
And if your new years resolution is to get some new, up to date family photos on the walls contact me and let's get them booked in :)

City Breaks 
I've been so lucky this month to have had a few city breaks lined up. Some delayed plans, a Christmas shopping weekend and much needed cuddles with my baby niece. Catching up with friends, blister causing city walking, lots of delicious food and a cocktail or two was had :) 

Working Hard! 
This a busy time of year for me, schools all like to have their photos done in time for Christmas and I have started photographing youth sports teams too who also want to beat the Christmas deadline. I don't blame them, a nice photo of your loved ones is a great Christmas gift ;) 
Working weekends, evenings and everything in between is becoming too common. So this Sunday it was time to get outside and enjoy a day off and it was blissful! 

In the Box Photography 
So it's back to school already - where did the summer I say every single year! 
I'm actually quite looking forward to getting back to work again and especially making more of these In the Box photos for the schools I have booked in this year. They are such good fun. All children love taking part in these as they are just a bit of magic....I've even had a parent ask me how did I get the children into the top boxes, did I have a long ladder?! Having their own space (box) really gives each child in the class a place to shine. Rather than hiding away at the back of the traditional class pic everyone has their dedicated space to show us who they are. It's great to see all their characters as that combination makes a great class and it makes a great photo too. 
If your school would like to try an 'In the Box' class photo this year for a change please contact me via my contact page to have a chat and to book in. 

Trying New Things 
It takes me a bit of a push sometimes to try something new.....ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) is one of those things. I've spent so long learning how to get crisp clear photos and this is the exact opposite, it feels wrong! But just sometimes those things we kept resisting can be oh so right and just a bit of fun. I had a very enjoyable evening messing around at Saunton Beach with no expectations of achieving anything useable. There were many photos that can go straight in the bin, but there are one or two I will keep and actually I quite like them.

Watching at the shoreline

What a Lovely Evening 
With some fellow photographers I went to Codden Hill for sunset and it was just breath taking. We were also treated to a full moon which looked beautiful in the pink sky opposite the most amazing sunset. What a treat! 
New Beginnings
I love this time of year when everything is springing into life. On a walk around some nearby woods I came across this fern unfolding between two large trees - the hope and optimism of that little bud coming into life, what a beautiful thing.
Let's Have Some Fun! 
Taking photos from unusual angles can give great results and I love this one! He looks so high and he's having so much fun, he was in his element and I was just there to witness it and make it a lasting memory....what a joy photography is. 

Let's have some fun!

Musings on Bluebells 
Are you even a photographer if you didn't photograph the bluebells this Spring? It seems as if my social media is full of the same greens and blues at the moment! I love a good bluebell shot as much as the next person but there really seems to be an abundance at the moment, so here is mine because I don't think I'll be beating them :) 
A Crazy Saturday Night
This was my Saturday night and what a beaut! It was cold, but I'll forgive it as the light was *chef's kiss*. And this is as crazy as my weekend evenings are at the moment and I'm here for it. 
Ocean Power
I love this image, the power in that wave just takes my breath away. 
I was stood in the same place as the blue photo below. It amazes me that that is true, the difference in those two photos is like night and day. But always the power of the sea and my gratefulness to live near such beauty. 

Wild, raw and beautiful

Feeling Blue? 
Overwhelm is a thing at the moment and some calm is much needed. Breathing in this image, the cool colours and fresh sea air. It  all helps :)  ​​​​​​​

Feeling blue?

New Skills
So to keep my children (and me) amused we decided to make some fun photo composites of wherever they would prefer to be other than this house....they aren't perfect but they were fun and the children loved them and that's the point really, isn't it? And it's given me something to think about.....maybe it's something new for me to learn more about and get me excited about photography again in a new way. What do you think, would people like some imaginative fun photo composites? I think it could be a great thing to offer and if it wasn't for having some time on my hands I may never have thought to have a go. 

Space mad

New Year Fun
Happy New Year! Or is it? We're trying to keep it fun....looking for the joy and the light. I'm keeping my creative brain busy with a weekly photography challenge and it is helping to have something else to think about other than the sad place we all find ourselves in at the moment. 

Finding the light and the joy

So this was a different one wasn't it? Although  it was all rather lovely for us to be honest. 
Quiet, relaxing and less arguing over the greens....I'm quite sad it's all over....mostly because, you know, home school ;)

Party animal


Lockdown #2
So it was all going too well....lovely half term break, back to school and lots of work for me......and then the children have to go into self-isolation! We are half way through two weeks at home with two pent up boys desperate to be outside, on-line learning (with amazing teachers so this hasn't been as awful as it could have been) and trying to cram my work in around the never ending snack requests, 'can you check my work', 'my computer isn't working' etc.  
 So we are now on the countdown til we can venture back outside to some views like this one........I can't wait! 
And nor can the boys as I am using them as models, see below!  ​​​​​​​ 

Half Term 
We were lucky enough to be able to get away on the second week of our half term. After a year of cancellations it was much appreciated and I feel more ready for lockdown round two after a week with a new view. We enjoyed walks, picnics, a bit of paddle boarding and evenings in front of the fire. It might have been less exciting then some of our other travels, but it felt just fabulous. Now back to school runs, packed lunches and more working from home (anyone else sharing a work space with their partner and the novelty starting to wear off? Just me....?!). 
Our holiday view, not too shabby!

Our holiday view - it wasn't too shabby! 


Even Corona virus can't take away the beautiful colours of this time of year. I've enjoyed a few family shoots, making the most of the wonderful backdrop this time of year gives us. It's also half term, so life isn't all rosy hues, but two weeks free from school runs is something to celebrate! 
I was lucky enough to take photos of quite possibly the loveliest little boy this week. Always a joy and something special for his family to enjoy for years to come. ​​​​​​​
My children are looking forward to muddy walks and probably more Minecraft. They aren't quite so willing to pose in the leaves anymore, but I can still try! ​​​​​​​

Welcome to my webpage and thank you for checking it out! 
I am starting this new venture, at quite possibly, the worst time economically. But I think it is more important than ever to focus on what we have and appreciate our families and friends. With that in mind we should all have beautiful photos to remind us of this and of the crazy time we are currently living through. While 2020 has been anxiety ridden and worrying, the amount of time spent with our immediate family is unprecedented for most of us. A lot of this may have been filled with seemingly never ending requests for snacks, but I have loved the time I have been able to spend with my family without so many of the time pressures of everyday life. And it has given me the time to start this dream of photographing families and giving them memories to treasure. Photos that aren't missing the self appointed family photographer / photo dodger or don't include the length of arm in the family selfie. Memories for the whole family to be enjoyed for years to come - these to me are priceless.  
Let me know what you are looking for in your family memories. 

Bad light, squashed together - selfie fail! This isn't one for the mantlepiece!
I need to find a family photographer before these children grow anymore!